Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sushi is Delicious~ Saboten-con, Gate 7 & Jack O' Con!

Hello there! My beautiful laptop is poopin' out on me so it might take even longer to get new blog posts up -.- but thankfully I have another long post for you guys! If you read my earlier posts; I had a brain surgery about two months ago and was unfortunately unable to attend Saboten-con, but I have plenty of pictures that my brother took while he was there with Miguel.

Yes Miguel cosplayed Ichigo again for this con =) rockin' it with his katana!

Kiki's Delivery Service! How so I want to watch it now "^-^" Its been years since I watched it. Oh, have you all heard Hayao Miyazaki's last film 'The Wind Rises' will be in New York and LA theatres this November (Japanese subbed) and Disney will most likely be releasing their English Dub in theatres next year in February. It also is pretty much set for an Academy Award in the Best Animated Feature category! Loved when they got Miramax to dub Princess Mononoke, but then they had to jank things up with them and get their Disney Channel 'stars' to dub... Yeah not all there with Disney dubbing since The Secret World of Arrietty. Praying they don't jank up this dub. Alright enough of my Disney ranting and back to Saboten cosplay-

So my brother looked all over for anything Blood C or CLAMP... this was the only thing Blood C he found... that was far too many yen that anyone could pay. CLAMP cosplayers; he found none. What the hell?! I think I need to spread my CLAMPness to Arizonaians... Arizoners? Anyway pretty sad to hear; however he did find CLAMP merchandise, though the Japanese imports were way to overly priced. He did buy me a Black and White Mokona bag and Kobato. volume 5, so now I own all Kobato. volumes and my room will soon be over filling with Mokonas haha.

Loved seeing this cute Holo figure... for 9,800 yen (around $980) -.-, poo Of course there was quite a bit of Panty and Stocking cosplayers! Makes me want to cry every time I think of my Stocking bailing on me... sigh.

Since the con was Evengelion themedish- there were a lot of Evangelion cosplayers there. While they were taking pictures of Evengelion cosplayers; I was watching Neon Genesis Evangelion the series and was totally loving it... until the wtf ending. Marker drawing art, confusing conversations with Shinji, to thinking it's a Alice in Wonderland dream, to finally; what the crap I'm confused again... that was the chiziest ending ever! So yeah now I'm even happier about these movie remakes. Doing it so it actually has a bad ass ending (we're all hoping anyway) and of course the better looking animation, awesomer 'Angels' and a chiz load more! Back to Saboten again; well the Crab Shack- >.
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